Friday, November 30, 2007


Hey I saw this and thought these would be some good compliments to try out. What do you all think?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tournament this weekend

I heard a rumor that there might or might not be a tournament this weekend sponsered by Joe and Rob M.. Should be lots of fun bring your favorite spells. Sorry I won't make it but I am sure it will be entertaining.

Dreaming of a Night Elf Mohawk

Joe had a long night playing WOW.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Studying!!

Name all the parts and all things in this image we are responsible for.

Civil War??? and attendance

Today during lunch the discussion was on the attendance policy which some people have become extremely polarized about. The discussion was all good and then it turned to taking the power back and revolting. I began to think what it would be like to have a civil war against some of the people who are mandating the attendance policy. I had some interesting thoughts about this but decide this was a terrible idea. Maybe because I really don't want to ever have to go to a war but attendence doesn't strike me as something that causes so much repression. Oh well, I like free 10%, just wish I had time to sleep and do other things too.

Study habits updated

Ira is Addicted to YouTube Japanese Videos

White Coat Ceremony

Here's a pic of me at the White Coat Ceremony. It took place October 21 at Bally's. It was actually better that I had anticipated. The "speechers" were short and sweet.

I Love "The Bachelor"

Here's Rob he was watching
"The Bachelor". One of his favorite shows. NERD!!!!

Dr. Rennie Has Voodoo Magic Fingers

Dr. Rennie performed a strain-counterstrain technique on my pubic symphysis. I was an Osteopathic Manipulitive Medicine (OMM) skeptic, but now I'm on the road to conversion!!!! I'm sending that man a christmas card.

Ping Pong

We all need a little get away and Robbie (wilky), Rob, Ira, Jamie, Jake and I all enjoy a little arround the world for a break. (picture to be posted)

Interpretive Dance with Dr Marreez

What am I? I'll give you a hint. My hands would be holding the ovaries!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

OMM dreams

So our study habits change from time to time, but our determination to get our 10% never falters. This is the life that we dreamed of.....I think. Sleepless nights followed by impossible lectures give us an opportunity to reflect on....somatic dysfunction and the appropriate application of OMM (as you can clearly see Jamie and Rob doing here).

We are Au Pau!

We are Au Pau!
Dont hit on us!